Friday, June 24, 2011


I just started a new summer job that is more like a summer life than a job.  There is no clocking in or out.  Mission work is like that.  It consumes your life.  There's no compartmentalizing.  That bothers me.  I like compartments.  For example, my favorite stores to shop in are the ones that are organized neatly by color with spaces between all the clothes so that you can see each individual item of clothing as unique.

They are compartmentalized.  They make my brain take a deep breath and say, "ok, Katie, relax."

The opposite of compartmentalizing is mush.  

Mush = Stress.
I wish I could say that it's not good for me to be under stress.  I wish I could say that God never wants stress in my life so that I'll be healthy and happy, but I know that's a lie.  To be honest, I think the mush has started clearing things up for me.  It's almost like I've compartmentalized things a little too much and now the mush in my brain is sticky and it's mixing things up but while it's mixing, some things are actually being put back in their proper places.
And here's where I need to get real with myself.  One of those things the mush has discovered tucked away on the wrong shelf was God.  My Creator, my Master, my Everything.  I have put Him on a shelf when He should have been the One reigning over the shelves of my life.  Granted, it was a pretty big shelf I had put him on, and I decorated that shelf quite nicely.  I really cherished that shelf above all the other shelves in my compartmentalized world.  But that's not really good enough, is it?
So God turned my life into mush for a reason.  Thank God.

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