Let me introduce myself.

I'm going through a quarter life crisis.  Laugh if you will, it's real.  And it's an epidemic.  (See this article if you don't believe me: Quarterlife Crisis Hits Many in Late 20s - ABC News).
In short, I've been told my whole life I can be what I want to be, no door is closed.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the women's rights movement and I especially appreciate my parents' money which made the "be whatever you want to be" statement more true for me than for others, but couldn't we narrow down the field a little?
But the narrowing down never happened, and my parents are still telling me my whole life is ahead of me and I can be... you get the picture.  That's why I'm a 20 something high school teacher/budding musician/artist/wife/amateur poker player/blogger.
This blog is my solution to my quarter life crisis.  I'm exploring my options and narrowing down the field.  I'm turning the "I can be" into the "I want to be".
And by the way, my name is Katie.