Monday, September 19, 2011

We're Back on the Air Folks!

Let me preface this post with a scene from my classroom.  It happens every day.  It's 7:00.  I have my coffee in my hand, I have just greeted all of my students at the door, and they are sitting in their seats looking toward the front of the room where their bell work is being projected on the screen, when someone in the class chimes in, "M'Wehr! M'Wehr!  The date?"  And there it is.  Yet again I've forgotten to change the date.
You see, I'm not one of those "with it" people.  I wish I was.  I try and try and try.  I organize and reorganize.  I color-coordinate.  I alphabetize.  I make lists.  I write myself notes.  But I always miss something.  In my classroom, I never change the date.  Maybe subconsciously I'm protesting the march of time.  I don't want to move forward, get older, run out of time for the things I need to get done.  I think maybe that's what happened to this blog this summer.
I forgot to change the date.
Summer happened so fast!  I don't think I can do my summer justice by trying to summarize it here in one post on my blog... but here's the short version:
Mark and I worked for an organization called Next Step Ministries.  We lived in the basement of a church in Milwaukee along with 6 other people and we hosted week-long mission trips for middle school and high school aged kids.  They would come from all over the country and stay with us for a week and we organized service projects for them.  We worked in the inner-city and did things like landscaping, trash clean up in allies, and construction in a warehouse.  In the evenings we had a worship service where Mark was the worship leader and one of the other staff members taught.  It was an exhausting but fantastic opportunity to serve and give of ourselves this summer.
(Check out for more information)
So now I'm back and I'm trying to reconcile this gaping hole in my blog, but the only thing I can come up with is, "Forgive me.  I forgot to change the date!"